Thursday, July 25, 2013

The RWBY Reviews: Episode 2

Happy Thursday, and welcome to the next RWBY review!

When we last saw our protagonist, Ruby Rose, she was aboard a ship on it's way to Beacon, a school for monster hunters.

We resume where we left off, with the airship pulling in to Beacon. The group migrates off the ship (Vomit Boy finding the nearest trash can to expunge his stomach in), as Yang and Ruby bask in the awe of Beacon. Yang comments that the view from the courtyard is phenomenal, though Ruby is too busy admiring the weapons of the people around them to care.

God's bones, she;s one of them.

With her little sister fangirling herself bling, Yang comments that she's coming across as unhappy with her own weapon. Rose replies that she adores "Crescent Rose", but seeing new weapons is like meeting new people. On that topic, she asks how they're going to make friends. At that moment, Yang's friends scurry up, and she's off like the Flash. Ruby is left alone in the courtyard, with no idea what to do, and, dizzied by her sisters departure, topples backwards into a luggage cart. We see a white boot slam down as an authoritative voice questions her actions...

"You, like, totally almost crushed my color-coded cocaine!"

Enter Weiss Schnee, the third member of the team we see...And she's not happy that her Dust was almost wrecked by Ruby. Entering full-on Tsundere mode, Weiss verbally bashes Ruby in all manner of awful ways, shaking bottles of Dust at her. Apparently, even Schnee-Refined Dust is more volatile than an angry bomb-omb, and the eruption covers Weiss in ash, leaving a bottle of Dust time to evacuate...before it meets the foot of someone else.

"Color-coded cocaine, huh? Sick~"

Blake Belladonna enters the scene, introducing Weiss as an heiress, and showing her colors (See what I did there?) as she makes a verbal jab to Weiss' ego about her father's vilation of labor laws. Fully riled, Weiss storms off with her lackeys, Ruby calling after her with a promise to make this up to her, somehow. When she turns to thank Blake, she's already sashaying off on her own way, and once again, Ruby is left alone. Collapsing onto the stone, Ruby laments her social ineptitude, before someone approaches, and offers a gloved hand.

"Hey, I heard someone was giving away color-coded cocaine?"

It's Vomit Boy! Except not. He introduces himself as "Jaun", and it's apparent he's in the same awkward boat as Ruby. The two walk together across the grounds, making idle chat. Soon enough, the conversation turns to weapons, and while Ruby shows off Crescent Rose, Jaun reveals his style as a sword-and-board hero. The sword is old, and unlike most of the modern weapons we've seen, doesn't seem to have any apparent abilities or forms. The most advanced his equipment gets is a collapsable shield (Which, if you know how weight works, doesn't make it easer to lug about). Jaun reveals with a somber tone that it's a hand-me-down, form an ancestor who fought in the War. Ruby, seeing his discomfort, calls it an heirloom, and a classic, which brings a smile to Jaun's face. As the episode ends, the two realize, to their own humor, they're lost, but at least they're not alone.

"Who the HELL stole my cocaine!?"

Since not much has changed in tech or design, let's talk characters. Weiss Schnee, who we saw in the "White" trailer as some sort of singer, is rich, bratty, and a colossal jerk. She reminds me a lot of Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter fame (The hair doesn't help), and her every steps exudes ego and practice. I get the feeling we'll find out if she's a pressured princess, or a pampered prude. 

"Ooh, is that how much it goes for on the Black Market? Jackpot!"

Either way, her opposite, Blake, is just that-Her opposite. While Weiss is bratty and self-centered, we see from Blake that she thinks a lot of the welfare of other people. This has been evidenced both in the episode, and in her trailer, where she betrays a friend to save innocent lives. Their nature, of course, come into conflict, just as-Wait for it-Black, and white.

"So, is the cocaine this way? Is it?"

Jaun is clearly a boy stepping into boots a few sizes too big for him, and he knows it. I'm not sure if he chose to take a chance at this lifestyle, for the sake of family, honor, fame, or whatever, or if he was pushed down it. He's clearly more than a little abashed that his weapons aren't as advanced as the ones of his peers, and his social awkwardness only exacerbates his apparent self-doubt. We see in the opening that he looks up at a statue with what looks like trepidation, the same way a child would look up to an image of a powerful parent. According to the writiers, Jaun will be leading a team of his own, JAUN, alongside RWBY.

Yes. This guy will be the fearless leader.

Yang and Ruby get a bit of exposition as well. Ruby tells Jaun she made her weapon, as all students at Signal do, implying Yang crafted her shotgun gauntlets as well. Weiss likely had hers made, and Blake perhaps inherited hers as Jaun did. We also see that Yang is more comfortable in this atmosphere; It could be her age, or the fact she already has friends present, but she seems to have no problem settling into life at Beacon that we can tell, while still keeping an eye on her little sister. Ruby, we learn, has an affinity for both weapons and hunters, evidenced in the first episode, but confirmed in this one.

"Sythe, gun, sythegun. Easy-peasy!"

The team has, again, kept me hooked on the series. See you all next Thursday, as the adventure continues!

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