Sunday, July 28, 2013

A Musing on Attention

This is just something that crossed my mind because of something I heard someone say today.

"I don't even know why I'm on Twitter, celebrities never respond."

Son, listen: I'm on Twitter for two reasons; My job demands it, and I enjoy it. Do you know how many times I sent a Tweet to TotalBiscuit or Nathan Fillion, or anyone else famous who never responded? Plenty of times. Now, don't get me wrong, I still flip my shit when someone I admire responds to something I've posted, but at the end of the day, they're just another one of 7.7 Billion people on this planet who have no idea that I exist, or listen to what I say.

Does that bother me? No. Because I have people who do listen, people who do know I exist, and are pleased about it. Everyone does, even when they feel otherwise. Every godforsaken soul that was ever born on this oasis in the stars we call home has at least one such person, and it's okay for it to be themselves. You have to be your biggest fan, and your best friend. You have to be both your advisor and your inspiration. If you've never had to do that, now's the time to start to learn.

Now, people say Twitter, YouTube, and various other mediums have made it easy to bring down the celebrity gods and goddesses from Mount Olympus. This is wrong; They were never gods or goddesses to begin with. They were like me, and you, and if you're going to talk to them, or reach out to them, do it like a person. Sending them a Tweet is lovely, but just remember everyone has things need doing, and that may mean they can't, or won't, answer.

Quit taking it personally, and move along. You don't have to be an astronaut to look up at the stars, but it helps to be one if you want to be among them.

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