Friday, August 2, 2013

The RWBY Reviews: Episode 3

Sorry about the late post, but internet is spotty at the beach. Wasn't able to post this until today.

Now, without further interruption, RWBY: Episode 3!

I'm pretty sure I saw that cathedral in Kingdom Hearts...

Ruby and Jaune arrive at some sort of auditorium, where they split up when Yang calls Ruby over. Jaune is left alone, wondering aloud where he can find another girl to talk to, as a young woman with long red hair looks on. Yang and Ruby catch up, with Ruby rushing an explanation of the incident in the courtyard. Listening in, from the seat next to her, is Weiss, who isn't too happy to see Ruby again...


While Yang tries (in vain) to help her sister get along with Weiss, the latter continues to berate Ruby for the mistake, with Ruby continued to apologize. Weiss even forces a pamphlet into Ruby's hands, "Dust For Dummies", and tells her that if she's earnest in her desire for reparations, she should read this and never ever speak to her again. Rather disheartened, Ruby's thoughts are pulled from Weiss when the Professor walks on stage, and addresses the crowd.

"Nitwit. Blubber. Oddment. Tweak. Thank you."

Ospin isn't exactly Dumbledore. In his speech, he says that knowledge will only get the new students so far, and that it's up to them to take the first step. The crowd murmurs has he steps back, and Ruby comments that it was like Ospin wasn't even there. Goodwitch takes the stage and asks the students to proceed to the ballroom, and their initiation will follow tomorrow. 

"Does anyone else think the headmaster sounds like Agent Washington from Red vs. Blue?"

The scene changes as the sun goes down, and the new students are milling about in the ballroom in their pajamas, sleeping bags laid out across the floor. Yang remarks to Ruby that it feels like a huge slumber party, and Ruby replies that their father probably wouldn't be happy with all the boys here. Yang says she feels the opposite as she checks out some of the other male students, just in tim for Jaune to walk by in footie pajamas. Yang, in an effort to avoid Jaune, asks Ruby what she's writing, and Ruby replies that it's a letter to her friends at Signal, and that she feels off that she doesn't have any friends. Yang points out Jaune as "plus one friend!" but Ruby says Weiss counts as a "negative friend". 

Does anyone else think that Ruby's eyemask looks...Evil-y?

At this point, Ruby notices Blake across the room, lighting some candles and reading. Yang drags her over to introduce herself. Blake responds in a rather distant fashion, keeping herself behind her book, and continually tries to work them away, finally mentioning how much she'd love to finish this book. And then, Ruby starts speaking up, asking about the book. She confesses she loves books, and that Yang used to read to her nightly. It's books that made her want to be a huntress, and to protect people. Blake says the world isn't a fairy tale, to which, Ruby responds that's why people like them exist.

"I was kind of hoping you'd say you wanted to be Hokage."

Yang can barely contain her pride for Ruby, and begins to smother her. The pair fight, to Blake's amusment, and Weiss' fury. Calling Ruby a hazard to her health and bickering with Yang, Blake blows out the candles, and the credits roll.


On the tech side of things, there are a few firsts in this episode. For the first time, there are background characters with detail. In the scene in the ballroom, when Yang checks out the men, they are detailed, instead of shadows. It's also nice to see all of team RWBY in one scene together,  

Another first in the episode is a character from Team JAUN: The red-haired girl.  The fanbase calls her "Umber", but an official name hasn't been released yet. From what we see of her in the opening, she uses some sort of spear, and is affiliated, somehow, with Jaune, along with the other two team members.  

I'm not sure what the initiation entails, but if I'm right...It's gonna be a doozy.

See you all next week!

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